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Dividend Policy
Our basic shareholder return policy aims to increase corporate value based on continuous growth along with stable dividends based on the company's performance and to enhance shareholder return in the long term.
Our shareholder return is decided by comprehensively considering business performance, investment plan, financial status, and economic outlook.
The company plans to strategically determine dividend targets within the scope of dividendable profits by fully reviewing the complex factors affecting shareholder returns and considering investment and shareholder value in a balanced manner. The dividend method is conducted twice a year in the form of quarterly cash dividends and settlement stock dividends at the end of September, with cash dividends aiming to increase continuously and moderately in the future at 200% based on par dividend ratio and 0.05 shares per share, but specific dividend policies are flexible depending on the company and economic conditions.
(Sep 30, 2023)
Classification 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Par Value Per Share (Won) 500 500 500 500 500 500
(Consolidated) Net Income (Mil. Won) 69,964 26,206 (29,577) 94,154 37,001 9,755
(Separate) Net Income (Won) 64,478 20,581 (28,241) 107,460 36,842 18,567
(Consolidated) Earnings Per Share (Mil. Won) 13,250 4,830 (5,337) 16,083 5,766 1,311
Total Cash Dividend (Mil. Won) 4,755 4,330 5,539 0 8,041 8,422
Total Stock Dividend (Mil. Won) 79 81 142 158 163 -
(Consolidated) Cash Dividend Rate (%) 6.80 16.52 - - 21.73 86.34
Cash Dividend Rate (%) Common Stock 0.14 0.22 0.47 - 0.88 0.42
Preferred Stock - - - - - -
Stock Dividend Rate (%) Common Stock 4.34 1.10 2.36 1.52 4.18
Preferred Stock - - - - - -
Cash Dividend Per Share (Won) Common Stock 900 800 1,000 0 1,000 1,100
Preferred Stock - - - 0 1,483 2,315
Stock Dividend Per Share Common Stock 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.05 -
Preferred Stock - - 0.05 0.05 0.05 -
1) (Consolidated) Net Income, was written based on the ownership stake of the parent company
2) Total Stock Dividend, were calculated by multiplying the number of shares paid as stock dividends (common shares + preferred shares) by the par value per share.